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Please visit the Psychiatric Services Library back Journal Room to view the Professor Assen Jablensky Special Book Collection.
Professor Jablensky (2040-2024) established the Centre for Clinical Research in Neuropsychiatry (CCRN) and through his research he and his team contributed to many large, international consortia investigating the biological underpinnings of schizophrenia and related mental health conditions. This personal collection has been kindly provided by Professor Jablensky's colleagues Carolyn and Nigel Armstrong on behalf of Professor Jablensky's wife Luba Kalaydjieva who is an outstanding research scientist in the field of Genetics.
** Please take the time to view the collection and to sign the Visitor's Book. **

WA Health's medication information resource will transition from MIMs to AusDI
Please note that WA Health Libraries medication information resource MIMs will transition to the electronic primary medication information resource AusDI effective from 1-1-24. This change will continue to provide health professionals working across WA Health with an enhanced and comprehensive database of high-quality medicines and pharmaceutical information. Training resources will be provided with AusDI make the final training manual available shortly and further resources (including accessing via Mobile iPhone/Android will also become available.

When you access AusDi from the Library AusDI link below with your Health Credentials, please create your own account (log-in to personalise). This will enable you to access resources remotely also.

Select a Tab to Perform a Search (use a modern browser - Chrome, Firefox, Safari or Edge - if the tabs won't open in Internet Explorer)

Search the PS Library Catalogue

PsycInfo, Embase, Emcare, Medline


PubMed Logo
The old PubMed interface is still available here

Please visit the Department of Health Library to obtain further information about the new Standards Platform i2i Standards Australia:

Standards - Department of Health Library - Dept of Health Library at Department of Health Library

Google Scholar

Clinical and Medication Resources

PsychiatryOnline Australian Medicines Handbook Australian Medicines Handbook AMH Children's Dosing Companion Australian Injectable Drugs Handbook BMJ Best Practice Choice and Medication Printable Leaflets on Psychotropic Medications Clinical Practice Guidelines Portal NHMRC ClinicalKey Cochrane Library Essential Evidence Plus Therapeutic Guidelines Formulary One (internet access) Formulary One (download info) - Formulary One Imprest (Intranet) Joanna Briggs Institute Martindale the Complete Drug Reference Maudsley Prescribing Guidelines in Psychiatry Micromedex MIMS Online NICE National Institute for Health and Care Excellence Mental Health and Behavioural Condidtions Guidance PBS Pharmaceutical Benefits SchemeProcedure Specific Information Sheets (PSIS) - WA Health approved information for over 350 specific procedures in simple language Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists Guidelines Stahl OnlineStockleys Drug Interactions  Toxinz


AusDI has replaced MIMSOnline in 2024. For training in readiness for AusDI replacing eMIMS please book training with
For access to Formulary One - please use this link: Formulary One mobile icon Instructions v2.0.pdf (

New eBooks

An Extraordinary Journey: what matters at the end of life Evaluations for Sentencing of Juveniles in Criminal Court Exposure Therapy for Child and Adolescent Anxiety and OCD Handbook of Psychotherapy Integration

New print books


Office of the Chief Psychiatrist Mental Health Commission MHPOD

Looking for acts and regulations   or   Australian standards?

Library Opening Days

The PS Library is open on Monday to Thursday 8:30am - 4:30pm and closed Fridays until June 2025.
Please email for urgent queries and place returns in the after hours return slot, in the door near the Postgraduate Unit outside of Gascoyne House.


The Psychiatric Services Library is a state-wide service and provides resources and services for staff employed in WA public mental health services. Registered staff access resources outside of the major mental health sites using their usual network credentials.
Click here to join the Library and register for online access.
Staff may also have access to the library website associated with their current WA Health Service via the WA Health Libraries Network (WAHLiN).

Please tell any of your DOH colleagues (with a HE number) who may be working state-wide in the area of Mental Health/Psychiatric Services about this Service and they can email to register.

Apps & Mobile access

Mobile access options


Therapeutic Goods Association (TGA) - New App and Website Link - (IT is currently updating the new link - please visit this link for trouble-shooting information). The User Guide is here too. With the new mobile app there's no password that's required to authorise a user. You can see the User Guide for more info on how to auth via Access Key: user will need to download the new mobile app from the Apple or Google Play (Therapeutic Guidelines - 1 mobile app).

Molecular Psychiatry 30 (1)-January 2025

Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 59(4) - April 2025

BMJ This Week

JAMA 82(2) - February 2025

HealthPathways - Online resource which offers information on assessment, management and (if needed referral) for various health conditions.

ClinicalKey Immunisation Toolkit 2024 - here and ClinicalKey Nurse Immunisation Toolkit 2024 - here

Clinical Nursing Skills Videos FAQs now Available - here

New York Academy of Medicine relaxation colouring sheets now available

'ETG Therapeutic Guidelines', now called 'Therapeutic Guidelines'. - User Guide

Please visit the new International Database - INAHTA - formerly part of the suite of Cochrane databases

Links to information on COVID-19 - Coronavirus

National COVID-19 Clinical Evidence Taskforce Supporting Australia’s healthcare professionals with continually updated, evidence-based clinical guidelines.

EndNote 21 update required

EndNote 21 is the current version to be installed on WA Health Computers.

The WA Health libraries have a whole of WA Health Licence for EndNote for work or home installation.

To have EndNote installed or updated on a work computer you should log a job with HIN or with the Help Desk on 13 44 77.

EndNote 21 is now available to download to your personal devices

Please contact Technical Support for help with conversion or backwards compatibility issues.

Please contact the Library if you have any questions.